2020 This early end of the test happened when the helicopter was trying to shift the flight computer from preflight into flight mode. Noun Commenters worried that the need to visit a vet to complete the health form would constitute a financial burden, that the overlapping nature of the three forms was confusing, and that the 48-hour preflight deadline could compromise a disabled person’s ability to travel in the event of an emergency. Washington Post, 11 July 2021 Boeing said Monday that the problem that scrubbed the launch of its Starliner spacecraft last week was caused when 13 valves in its propulsion system failed to properly open during a preflight test, a more widespread issue than was previously known. 2023 The spaceship was set to roll out overnight for fueling and preflight checks. 2015 The Federal Aviation Administration alleges that United removed a check of the 777’s fire-warning system from preflight checklists in 2018.

Nathaniel Scharping, Discover Magazine, 23 Dec. 18, was postponed twice, once because of an engine anomaly during a preflight check and a second time due to weather. 2023 Monday's launch, initially scheduled for Dec. Dominic Gates, Anchorage Daily News, 21 Feb. 2020 During preflight check, when the DynamicSource message comes in, the first officer reads each data point aloud and the captain verbally verifies each one.
#Invasive preflight check crossword plus
2023 And the experience - plus other instances of space sickness during the Apollo program - pushed NASA to implement preflight quarantines. 2022 The airline sends out preflight emails about its unique boarding procedures, which passengers may or may not read.

Claire Rafford, The Indianapolis Star, 21 Oct. Adjective The military jet fighter passed a preflight inspection less than 24 hours before the crash, the archived article stated.