
Transporter 2 lola
Transporter 2 lola

In the final version, there is absolutely no blood anywhere on her torso, and the scene is cut prior to the facial close-up.

  • There is also a tight shot that shows it coming out of her mouth.
  • In it, when Lola is killed and is hanging on the spikes, she has blood running down her lower chest and abdomen in two places.
  • In the special features section on the DVD, the fight scene between Frank and Lola is shown in an extended version.
  • transporter 2 lola

    The song that Lola is playing in her headphones that she's dancing to is "Revolution", a song that Kate Nauta actually sung.Lola's signature automatic handguns are two modified Glock 17's with extended 32-round magazines, suppressors, and laser designators attached.Lola was portrayed by American fashion model, actress and singer, Kate Nauta.Frank and Lola then engaged in a brief but brutal confrontation during which the assassin is killed after getting kicked into a decorative sculpture made with metal spikes. However, Lola stepped in and Chellini ordered her to kill Frank while he runs off to his private jet to meet his employer in Columbia. Later, Frank infiltrated Chellini's hideout and defeated all of his henchmen before confronting the gangster. However, because a sniper targeted them and Lola (who flighting with him) joined them to see Gianni who put an explosive attached to the car and Frank succeed removed it and escaped with Frank. She then used a police car while Chellini ordered Frank to do his bidding by using Jack as a bargaining chip. When she was given permission to use the backup plan, Lola shot up police car, presumably killing the officers. Lola then contacted Chellini and told him the target got away and asked him if she should use "Plan B". Seconds later, two cops arrived and ordered the criminal to lay down her guns. However, they still managed to escape thanks to the car being bulletproof. She then attempted to stop Frank and Jack's escape when. She entered another hospital room, only to find Dimitri and demand him to get out. She later searched the hospital for the two, killing Vasily in the process for his failure to complete his task. Lola lead her gang in a fight with Martin which resulted being able to outsmart her and escape with Jack. She and a few gang members infiltrated a hospital, where she personally killed two doctors and posed as a nurse to kidnap Jack, who was attending a medical checkup before Frank discovered who that she wasn't a nurse and saved Jack. Lola is well known as a psychopathic leader of a gang who was obsessed with Frank Martin and worked with Gianni Chellini and Dimitri.

    transporter 2 lola

    She was the secondary antagonist in the 2005 action film Transporter 2. Lola was the depraved leader of a gang working for Columbian crime boss, Gianni Chellini, which specialized in kidnapping Jack Billings to use in a conspiracy to eliminate his father, Jefferson Billings, a politician who tries to stop drug trafficking.

    Transporter 2 lola